ClubIn – Internationaler Treff

Wir freuen uns auf dich!

ClubIn – Internationaler Treff

Wir freuen uns auf dich!

München ist bunt! Der ClubIn auch!

Du bist jung, neu in München und möchtest Leute kennenlernen?

Ja, ich will mehr wissen!

ClubIn – your second home!

Feel free to look around

Ja, ich will mehr wissen!

What is ClubIn?

ClubIn is an international Meeting Point for young people from 17 to 27. Everyone is welcome here, our members represent a wide range of ethnic, religious or gender identities, social backgrounds or your sexual orientations. People from all over the world meet at ClubIn, make friends, dance, cook together, play board games or just have fun hanging out together. ClubIn also offers Counselling concerning Au Pair issues, volunteering, studying or working in Germany. It is our aim to support our visitors in accustoming themselves to their new surroundings, in pursuing their dreams and realizing their ambitions. Find more informations about us in the following pages. If you have any questions don´t hesitate to contact us! 

Open meeting
Thursday, 19:30 – 22 h
Friday, 19:30 – 0:00

Office hours
Monday, 14:00 – 16:00 pm, Tuesday, 10:00  – 12:00 pm
Thursday, 14:30 – 16:30 pm
or by appointment
(, 089 306686913)

Our Program

Have you already discovered the ClubIn-Blog? We – the ClubIn visitors – use this platform to tell our own stories and share our experiences of living in Munich. We´d like to give you an insight into life in our home countries and give advice: on how to survive in an expensive city like Munich, on how to make it in Germany.  


How to find us


ClubIn Internationaler Treff 
Friedrich-Loy Str. 16
80796 München

Arrival by public transport
U 2, Haltestelle Hohenzollernplatz
Tram 27, Haltestelle Herzogstraße